Innovation Day


HI, today i am going to talk about our innovation day project.


we were told to make a medieval castle with a working drawbridge. a drawbridge is a type of door that opens by pulling up and down instead of regular doors that you are used to. we are told to type down how we made our castle. i will show you step by step how to make a castle. sometimes castles can be really hard and stressful so only make it if you think you’re able to. here is some of my background info

Background info


we are going to talk about pulleys and gears. we will start with pulleys. A pulley is where you pull and it can sometimes reduce the force. you can attach something to a pulley if you don’t want to use your muscles you attach it to a pulley and then your using gravity and force


my hypothesis:

i thought that my castle would have three floors and have the best pulley ever. how you ask, here! i thought we would add a stick, tape and string to the tape and attach it to the drawbridge. we would pull the stick back, because it would be attached to the drawbridge so it would close. then we would push back and it would open!


here is our list on how to make the castle.

    1. get a cardboard box with no top (if there is a top you cut it off)
    2. make a hole for the drawbridge
    3. cut boxes on the top for decor
    4. make the pulley system (create something that can help you pull it up and down)
    5. attach it to the drawbridge
    6. add gears (to get extra points)
    7. make a flag for the castle (to get extra points
    8. build a watchtower/ jailhouse if you want to make a fire pit too!
    9. inside the castle make a clock
    10. make a throne and table (for the queen, if you have one!)
    11. make a toilet and hot glue something onto the toilet
    12. now you can paint!!!
    13. paint the inside and outside grey.
    14. decorate and add windows
    15. add bitmojis or add stickers for the queen peasant and guard (only if you really want to!
    16. add a staircase
    17. add pictures and videos of you explaining your castle
    18. once you’ve done all of the above you have finished doing it

YOU HAVE FINISHED!! here are some pictures of us building and painting our castle.


here is my final video of explaining what our castle is.

self assessment:

self reflection:

i liked doing the castle. it was very fun and challenging. painting and making a pulley was not easy, because it would always break. i would change up our door because it can’t fit in. i liked the door too because it was very decorative. before painting we could have made the colour more grey then dark because, my group wanted it more grey.

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