stuff about golden caf my characteristics

Hi, Sam exists now!!1!!!!!!1!!11111 so anyway I am writing about what I learned about the parashat and the thing about the golden cow. so pretty much it all started when Moses wanted to be noticed more. he thought about it a lot and then decided that he, Moses wanted to make a golden caf to be noticed and recognized more. after he thought of that he went to the other people in the village and then asked for their golden jewelry they said yes and gave it to him. i don’t know why so I can’t tell you why. then he made them into a cow. then god got mad and explained why. then Moses blinked twice and looked again seeing them dancing around. he got so mad that he destroyed the tablet that let him talk to god I think. he was in a rage and wanted to kill that dumb cow. Anyway, now I’ll talk about my characteristics. I am very loud and chaotic. so then because I don’t really know why I am chaotic but I just am and I am also very loud. I am very energetic too but that just links to chaotic and loud. I am also very angry when I want to be or when I have a reason to be, but then after I just laugh. I think that links to Moses because he got mad in the story too and my characteristics. in my perspective, I am just so amazing and kind but I think I am kind a lot? except for my siblings, I am very rude a lot but it’s because they are your siblings. I bet you were also mean to your siblings. anyways I am done so byeeeyye

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